Thursday, January 15, 2009

Granted to believe and to suffer

I've been memorizing Philippians chapter 1 - verse 29 is astonishing:

For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake

1. It has been granted to us to believe. Belief in God is not simply an act of my own will, rather, it is a gift of God.

2. In the same way that it has been granted us to believe, it has also been granted to us to suffer! This is the part that blows me away. What should I understand about suffering from this verse?

a. Suffering comes from the hand of God.
b. The gift of suffering goes hand in hand with belief. And it is a gift! It is good for me!

3. Both my belief and my suffering are for the sake of Christ. Paul is so adamant about this that he says it twice in this short verse. My faith is for Christ's sake. My suffering is for Christ's sake.