Friday, October 30, 2009

Pictures of the past 2 weeks

Life officially feels different. And what a blessing! Things are generally going well. Life is all about expectations, and we're constantly reminding ourselves, "This is normal, we knew it would be like this!" whenever we're tempted to feel worried or discouraged. Cohen's gaining wait, sleeping reasonably well, and eating plenty. It's going to be ridiculous how many pictures we'll have of this guy by his 18th birthday!

This is right after his bath, on his birthday. The gold heart is monitoring his heart rate.

Passed out on the futon

He's got a pretty good things going on here with the carseat.

Relaxing on his favorite pillow

Cohen's first family picture!

Aunt and Grandma

Proud Grandpa

This one's a little blurry, but it's my favorite picture so far.