Sunday, January 17, 2010


Photo dump time! These were taken around Christmas and New Years (in no particular order because blogger makes it very difficult to organize photos on this blog!) Some of these are with Ian's family and with friends from Virginia Beach, the others are in Bluefield with Megan's family. We have many, many more pictures, and will hopefully find the time to post them all in an online album before long.

Rory, Megan's brother, holding Cohen by the Christmas tree.

This is what most of New Years consisted of - hanging out together, playing games, eating and drinking. Very relaxing! It was too cold to do much outside anyway.

At one point Grandpa Mullennex played the fiddle for Cohen for an hour or so and he really enjoyed it.

The ever-expanding Lawrence clan. Christina, Ian's sister, is holding their newborn boy, Quincy Christopher.

Mary is a pro at the baby thing

The Rohrer's made us this awesome apron with each of their names and handprints on it. You can see Qunicy's footprints on the right.

Kevin and Leslie Magee's daughter Harper trying to exert her age, size, and hand-eye-coordination on Cohen. He put up a good fight though.

We called this his Elvis costume. It looks ridiculous.

Megan's newly-engaged sister Beth loving on Cohen.

Grammy and Cohen were made for each other!