Friday, February 20, 2009

Economic Crisis in China

There's an article on (read here) today about the difficulties that many rural Chinese are having as a result of the current global economic crisis. It's quite eye-opening. Few people in America will suffer as severely as those in other countries. While we were in China, one of the traits of the Chinese that continued to amaze us was their ability to press on and not complain. They accept hardship and learn to cope.

With Christianity on the rise in China I can't help but wonder what role this crisis is playing in God's design.


dayu said...

Now i'm official! to be one of the stalkers of your blog. didn't know you have one until i saw it on Hannah's blog! Glad i can see some thoughts of your live, and that makes me really happy and content, truly am.
Speaking of the economic crisis, i went home visiting my family, so i had soem conversations with my brother and brother in law, it's funny to see how God amazingly works thru The crisis. So the classic line from the conversation is this-
Me-"how's your business? "
brother-"already started 3 months earlier before the crisis(he was exaggerating on how ugly it has became). And yours?"
Me-"Better, and the Crisis helped"